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Alþjóðleg tangó-hátíð í september!
Arctic Adventures, í samvinnu við Tangófélagið, skipuleggur alþjóðlega tangó-hátíð, Icelandic Tango Festival, á Hótel Selfossi dagana 18. – 20. september n.k.
Meðal gesta verða Sebastian Achaval & Roxana Suarez og Maja Petrovic & Marko Miljevic sem öll eru stórstjörnur úr tangó-heiminum. Þau munu halda námskeið og sýna tangó á milongum. Nánari upplýsingar um hátíðina er að finna hér.
International tango festival in September !
Arctic Adventures, in cooperation with Tango Club Reykjavik, presents an international tango event, Icelandic Tango Festival, at Hotel Selfoss in Iceland.
September 18th-20th
The teachers and performers this year feature Sebastian Achaval & Roxana Suarez and Maja Petrovic & Marko Miljevic, all of them international stars from the tango world. The pairs will teach six workshops each and perform at the milongas. Please click here for all relevant information.