17. des. Jólamilonga og opinn tími með Gökçe Ceren Haznedar, – opni tíminn fellur niður

(Please scroll down for English).

Þessi tími fellur niður, af óviðráðanlegum ástæðum.

Tangómeistarinn Gökçe Ceren Haznedar verður með opinn tíma á El Cramo 17. desember n.k. kl. 20:30-22 á undan milongunni.  Gökçe er frá Istanbul í Tyrklandi en starfar í Berlín sem tangókennari og dansari.  Smellið hér til að sjá Facebook-síðu hennar.  Um markmið sitt í kennslunni segir hún orðrétt: “I intend to provide the students with the connection based core technique of tango which they can implement effortlessly from the basics to the most complicated figures dancing in the milongas.”

Aðgangseyrir: 2.000 (milongan innifalin).  Vinsamlegast greiðið inn á reikning Tangófélagsins og takið fram fyrir hvað verið er að greiða.  Einnig hægt að borga með seðlum við innganginn.

Bankanúmer: 0303-26-002215
Kt: 480500-3180.


This class has been cancelled due to unforseen circumstances.

Tango master Gökçe Ceren Haznedar will teach an open class at El Cramo on December 17th from 8:30pm – 10pm (preceding the milonga which is at 10pm-midnight).  Gökçe is from Istanbul in Turkey but lives and works in Berlin where she is active in the tango scene as a tango teacher and performer.  Click here to see her Facebook-page.
Regarding her teaching she writes:
I intend to provide the students with the connection based core technique of tango which they can implement effortlessly from the basics to the most complicated figures dancing in the milongas.”

Admission: 2.000, – Please deposit payment to the bank account of the Tango Club and send a note to tangofelagid@gmail.com explaining what you are paying for. You can also pay with cash at the entrance door (CreditCards are not accepted).

The bank numbers are as follows:
Id. No. (Kennitala): 480500-3180.
Bank Numbers: 0303 – 26 – 002215.

Venue: Kramhúsið Skólavörðustígur 12 (off Bergstaðastræti).

To find Kramhúsið:  As you stand on the corner of Skólavörðustígur and Bergstaðastræti look for the car park facilities at  Bergstaðastræti 6.  On the other side of the road (on the right hand side of the Red Cross Shop) walk up a small alley (the one on the left, decorated with a pink bird)  and you will see Kramhúsið.