Lucas De BuenosAires: Námskeið 13. maí (open class)

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Lucas De BuenosAires er að koma aftur til íslands og ætlar að vera með drop-in námskeið á föstudaginn 13. maí í Kramhúsinu.    Námskeiðið heitir „Emerging Trends in Tango“ eða „Nýir straumar í tangó“.  Allir velkomnir bæði einstaklingar og danspör en vinsamlegast athugið að námskeiðið er fyrir „intermediate  advanced level“.

Dagskrá kvöldsins:

20:00-21:30:  Námskeið
21:30-23:00:  Milonga El Cramó (DJ: Svanhildur V.)
Aðgangseyrir: 3.000 kr (milonga innifalin).  Vinsamlegast greiðið með reiðufé við innganginn.

Hér fylgja nokkur orð á ensku um Lucas:

Learning tango in true porteño fashion, first by family in Buenos Aires and then in its milongas, Lucas has traveled and taught extensively in Europe and the Americas. Since first updating „Sentaditas“ to Soltadas for Stockholm,  Lucas loves to blend and fuse influences from disparate tango scenes into a historically evolving style from Mexico City to Boston, San Francisco, Montreal, Berlin, Paris, New York, St. Petersburg, London to The Hague. From teaching in Iceland to performing in Argentina, to recording in Germany, Lucas  is available  for festivals, film work and private engagements. In 2022 Lucas will be in Disney Pride in Boston’s Symphony Hall.


Lucas De BuenosAires is returning to Iceland and will be giving a drop-in class at 8pm on Friday May 13th. No partner required, singles and couples welcome. The class is for intermediate and advanced level.

Location:  Kramhúsið.
20.00-21.30: Drop-in class („Emerging Trends in Tango“)
21.30-23.00:  Milonga El Cramó (DJ: Svanhildur V.).
Admission: 3.000 ISK (milonga included).  Please pay with cash
at the entrance door.

Here are a few words about Lucas:

Learning tango in true porteño fashion, first by family in Buenos Aires and then in its milongas, Lucas has traveled and taught extensively in Europe and the Americas. Since first updating „Sentaditas“ to Soltadas for Stockholm,  Lucas loves to blend and fuse influences from disparate tango scenes into a historically evolving style from Mexico City to Boston, San Francisco, Montreal, Berlin, Paris, New York, St. Petersburg, London to The Hague. From teaching in Iceland to performing in Argentina, to recording in Germany, Lucas  is available  for festivals, film work and private engagements. In 2022 Lucas will be in Disney Pride in Boston’s Symphony Hall.

To find Kramhúsið:  As you stand on the corner of Skólavörðustígur and Bergstaðastræti look for the car park facilities at  Bergstaðastræti 6.  On the other side of the road walk up a small alley (the one on the left, decorated with a pink bird)  and you will see Kramhúsið.