Opinn milongu-tími + First Step Milonga – Tangópartý.
Haldið í Kramhúsinu föstudaginn 29. nóvember kl. 20-23 (eða lengur)
1.000,- fyrir félaga í Tangófélaginu, félagar í áskrift greiða ekki aðgangseyri.
Gestgjafar: Bryndís og Hany
Kvöldið er tileinkað nemendum Tangóstudio og er skipulagt í samstarfi við Tangófélagið og kaffihúsið Kramber.
- Að aðlaga sig að niveau þess sem þú dansar við, bæði þeir sem leiða og þeir sem fylgja.
- Aldrei “kenna” þeim sem þú dansar við, né gefa umsögn um frammistöðu.
- Að taka þátt í leikjum / uppákomum eins og aðrir gestir.
Open milonga class for all levels + First Step Milonga – Tangoparty (from 8pm to 11pm or later).
Venue: Kramhúsið (next to Bergstaðastræti 7)
The evening begins with an open workshop from 8 to 9 pm, suitable for all levels. The theme of the workshop is Milonga, a simple and fun dance. No advance registration is needed – just come with a partner. The dance evening or the Milonga will start right after the workshop and will continue until 11pm or longer. There will be light refreshments, an open bar, ice breakers and plenty of good tandas. All are welcome, whether new or experienced dancers!
1.000 ,- for members of Tangófélagið. Subscribers enter free of charge.
Hosts: Bryndís and Hany
The evening is dedicated to Tangóstudio students and is organized in collaboration with Tangófélagið and Café Kramber.
To find Kramhúsið:
As you stand on the corner of Skólavörðustígur and Bergstaðastræti look for the car park facilities at Bergstaðastræti 6. On the other side of the road, walk up a small alley (the one on the left, decorated with a pink bird), and you will see Kramhúsið.
Experienced dancers please keep the following in mind:
- Adjust to the level of the person you are dancing with, both those who lead and those who follow.
- Never „teach“ the person you dance with at a milonga, nor give feedback on a performance.
- Participate in games / events like other guests.