Tango on ICE 2016 — Workshops with Maja and Marko

Workshop A (Advanced)
Milonga advanced / Pimp up my milonga
If you are bored with regular milonga steps this is a workshop for you! We will share a few playful combinations in close embrace which you will be able to further develop on your own. Let ́s just say that there will be plenty of boleos and embellishments for everybody!

Workshop C (I/A)
Enrosque and lápiz
With a combination of enrosque and lápiz (for the leaders) we will explain the basic body mechanics of this type of movements along with the leading and following. Although an enrosque is a „show-off“ moment for the leader, we will also focus on the role of the follower.

Workshop F (All levels)
Milonga / Repetitio est mater milongarum!
In this workshop we will start with a simple repetitive combination of two elements and use them to develop other fun and musical combinations. We will discuss the importance of „working the floor“ and controlling the axis.

Workshop H  (I/A)
Circular movements around common axis / No, it ́s not a colgada. Nor a volcada.
In this lesson we will show you one of our favourite figures. By analysing it into details, we will explain the idea of a smooth circular movement in close embrace. This combination will give you a possibility to add some vertical change of dynamics to your dance, which comes in very handy at crowded milongas. We will also spice it up with different entries, exits and embellishments. (It is not a colgada or volcada!)

Workshop I  (Adv.)
Small repetitive rebounds / Fun tiny steps for all occasions
If you always felt that there were parts of the songs where you were constantly missing a few ideas for the perfect interpretation, this is a lesson for you. We will start with small rebounds and connect them into playful repetitive sequences. This will be challenge both for the leader and the follower.

Workshop J  (All levels)
Vals / Ram-pam-pam pam!
Here we will talk about the 4 different ways to listen and interpret the rhythm of vals. We will not teach steps or figures but try to play with the rhythm using basic walking, alone and in a couple. We will also focus on technical and rhythmical precision.