Milonga 2. febrúar en ekki 3. febrúar

(English below).

Tilkynning frá stjórn Tangófélagsins:

Af óviðráðanlegum orsökum getum við ekki
haft laugardagsmilongu 3. febrúar eins og fyrirhugað var.

Milongan færist fram um einn dag og verður föstudaginn
2. febrúar.

Gestgjafar: Roxana og Sigurjón
DJ: Kristinn.

A milonga (with practica) was originally planned on
Saturday 3rd of February but it had to be rescheduled and has
been moved forward to Friday 2nd of February:

Friday February 2nd from 9 pm – 12 pm, 1h practica and then milonga for the rest of the evening.
Venue: Kramhúsið Skólavörðustígur 12 (off Bergstaðastræti).


  • The practica is free
  • The milonga: kr. 700 for members of the Tango Club
    and kr. 1.000 for those who are not members.
  • Admission to the milonga is free for those who are 30 years of age or younger.