Áskrift framlengd / Subscription prolonged

Uppfært 25.maí / Update May 25th

Please scroll down for English.

Félagsmönnum Tangófélagsins býðst að kaupa áskrift að milongum. Nýtt áskriftartímabil er nú hafið (22. janúar – 31. ágúst (2021)).

Vinsamlegast athugið:  Tímabilið var áður auglýst til loka maí en hefur nú verið framlengt.

Gjöldin eru sem hér segir:

Milonga el Cramo á föstudögum: kr. 6.000
Milonga de arte á þriðjudögum: kr. 3.800

Milonga el Cramo + Milonga de arte: 7.800

(Þeir sem greitt hafa 6.000 kr. fyrir áskrift að Cramo en vilja líka vera í áskrift á þriðjudögum geta bætt 1.800 kr. við Cramo-áskriftina).

Án áskriftar kostar milongan kr. 1.000.
Ókeypis fyrir 30 ára og yngri.

Millifærsla er þægilegasti greiðslumátinn fyrir Tangófélagið. Bankanúmer:  0303-26-002215 Kt: 480500-3180.


Members of the Tango Club can subscribe to milongas.  A new subscription period has now started (January 22nd- August 31st (2021)).

Please notice: The subscription period was originally advertised as ending at the end of May but has now been prolonged until the end of August.

The prices are as follows:

Milonga el Cramo on Fridays: ISK 6.000
Milonga de arte on Tuesdays: ISK 3.800
Milonga el Cramo + Milonga de arte: ISK 7.800

(Those who have already paid ISK 6.000 to subscribe to Milonga el Cramo on Fridays but would also like to subscribe to Milonga de arte on Tuesdays can add ISK 1.800 to what they already paid).

Admission to each milonga (without subscription):  ISK 1.000.
Admission is free for those who are 30 years or younger.

CreditCards are not accepted at the entrance door. It is possible to deposit payment to the bank account of the Tango Club. Please send a note to tangofelagid@gmail.com with an explanation of the payment.


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