Nordic House, Sturlugata 5, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Iðnó, Vonarstræti 3, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland

Iðnó is a beautiful historical building, built in 1897 as a city theatre and reconstructed in its original form in 1997. It remains as it was in 1897, a testament to the grand vision of Iceland’s artisans. There is a wooden floor in main room that loves the touch of your dancing shoes.

On second floor (afternoon milongas) is a comfortable sprung vinyl floor. Iðnó is located right in the city centre just beside the Reykjavík pond. A wide selection of restaurants, hotels and guesthouses are in the neighbourhood.
The Nordic House

The Nordic House in Reykjavík is a cultural institution opened in 1968 and operated by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Its goal is to foster and support cultural connections between Iceland and the other Nordic countries. To this end the Nordic House organizes a diverse program of cultural events and exhibitions. The Nordic House is designed by acclaimed Finnish modernist architect Alvar Aalto (1898-1976). The house is one of his later works, a hidden gem among the better known masterpieces, and features most of Aalto’s signature traits.