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Áskrift (nóv.-jan.) og félagsaðild / Subscribtion and membership

Nýtt starfsár er hafið og nýtt áskriftartímabil hefst 1. nóvember.

Please scroll down for English.

Bæði félagar og áskrifendur fá því nú í vikunni senda nýja kröfu í heimabanka. Athugið að gjöld hafa hækkað um um það bil 10% til samræmis við hækkað verðlag.

Þeim sem ekki eru  í áskrift gefst nú tilvalið tækifæri til að gerast  áskrifendur. 

Við skorum einnig á aðra tangóáhugamenn að ganga í félagið núna, en aðild veitir afslátt af bæði stökum milongum og viðburðum á vegum félagsins.

Boðið er upp á fjóra möguleika,

(a) Félagsaðild án áskriftar (kr. 4.500 á ári),
(b) Félagsaðild og áskrift að föstudags milongum (“El Cramo”):
kr. 7.500 ársfjórðungslega,
(c) Félagsaðild og áskrift að þriðjudags milongum í Iðnó:
kr. 7.500 ársfjórðungslega, og
(d) Félagsaðild og full áskrift (Iðnó + El Cramo):
kr. 11.000 ársfjórðungslega.

Vinsamlegast smellið á linkinn hér fyrir neðan  og fyllið út eins og við á (með upplýsingum um nafn, netfang, kennitölu og valkost).

ATH: Reikningur birtist í HEIMABANKA!

Nánari skýringar í löngu máli hér: LESA MEIRA


(Update: October 14th 2023):

New period for subscriptions and membership: 1 November – 31 January 31st 2024.

Those already subscribing to milongas will automatically receive a bill in their HEIMABANKI. Please note that there is an increase of around 10% to meet inflation.

Those who don’t have a subscription can start one for the new period.  Four options are on offer:

(a) Membership without subscription: ISK 4,500 per year,
(b) Membership and subscription to Friday milongas (“El Cramo”):
ISK 7.500 quarterly,
(c) Membership and subscription to Tuesday milongas (at Iðnó):
ISK 7.500 quarterly, and
(d) Membership and full subscription to Tuesday and Friday milongas: (ISK 11.000 quarterly).

Please fill out the following form, indicating your name, e-mail address, and social security number (kennitala), and please indicate the most suitable arrangement for you.

NOTE: Bill will appear in your HEIMABANKI!

For more info, please READ ON.

Aðalfundur 13. október 20:00-21:00

Please scroll down for English:

Aðalfundur Tangófélagsins verður haldinn i Kramhúsinu
föstudaginn 13. október n.k. kl. 20:00-21:00. 

Kl. 21:00-24:00 verður milonga eins og venjulega en
praktíkan fellur niður.


General meeting of the Tango Club will take place on
Friday 13th of October 8pm-9pm at Kramhúsið:

There will be a milonga 9pm-12pm as usual but
the practica is cancelled.


30. sept. kl. 16:00 í Norðurljósum: Tangótónlist fyrir 2 píanó

Please scroll down for English.

Laugardaginn 30. sept. kl. 16:00 munu píanósnillingarnir Domenico Codispoti & Esteban Ocaña halda tónleika á vegum Kammermúsíkklúbbsins í Norðurljósasal Hörpu.  Þeir munu leika tangó-tónlist sem útsett hefur verið fyrir 2 píanó. 
Tónleikarnir hefjast kl. 16:00.

Hér má fræðast um þá félaga og heyra sýnishorn af leik þeirra:

– – – – – – – – – – – 

Saturday September 30th at 4pm the piano virtuosos
Domenico Codispoti & Esteban Ocaña will give a recital in Harpa Concert Hall.  They will perform tango-music arranged for
2 pianos.

Please click on the link below for more information about the artists and examples of their artistry:


Jessyca Haas í Kramhúsinu 22. sept. kl. 20:00-21:00

Please scroll down for English.

Föstudaginn 22. september kl. 20:00-21:00 verður Jessyca Haas  með námskeið í Kramhúsinu. Praktíkan fellur niður þetta kvöld.  Jessyca gerir grein fyrir sjálfri sér og viðfangsefni námskeiðsins í texta á ensku hér fyrir neðan.  Þar er einnig að finna upplýsingar um skráningu á námskeiðið.  Þátttökugjald er 3.500 kr.

Hægt er að greiða með seðlum eða korti.


On Friday, September 22nd (8pm-9pm) Jessyca Haas will give a workshop at Kramhúsið (next to Bergstaðastræti 7).  The Practica is cancelled on the above mentioned date.  Jessyca introduces herself and explains the subject matter of the workshop in the text which follows.  She also explains how to register.  Entrance fee is 3.500 ISK.  Payment with cash or card:  

Breath is life. Without breath no life. Without life no tango. What does the tango and the breath symbolize?

First of all Tango is about relationships. It is about the love in an embrace. Tango is about creativity, joy, communication and mindfulness. We all have our own understanding what tango symbolizes for each of us. For me tango is about life. And life is energy. An energy in movement, posture, flexibility and strength that gets activated by the power of our own breath.

Sometimes we forget to breathe. Maybe because we are stressed, insecure or simply unaware (this is how I felt many times).

In this 1 hour workshop I want to create again awareness to our precious breath. With breath we can create space, ease and much more room for creativity and joy.

What we are going to do:
1. Introduction
2. Reflecting our breath
3. Breathing exercises in tango movements
4. Sharing what we have experienced (optional)
5. Dancing into the weekly Friday Milonga

This workshop is for everyone (with or without a partner) who wants to create magic and fun for the body, mind and soul while breathing and dancing tango together.

Registration for the workshop is done by
sending me a message e.g. on Facebook (Jessyca Haas),
by sending me an email at or
send me a message on Whatsapp +491799792071
Minimum amount of participants to start is 6 and the price per person is 3500 ISK. Workshop is held in English.

I look forward to receiving you in Kramhúsið at 8pm on the 22nd of September

More about me:
I started Tango dancing in my early 20s and it changed my life from the very beginning. I have been dancing out of pure joy as a hobby and to switch off my mind from work. But only the last couple of years I realized how tango impacts my whole well-being regarding my body, mind & soul.

With my trainings in coaching, meditation, yoga & breathwork I created a new holistic self-reflection and connection to tango dancing. To me tango starts even before putting on my dancing shoes, before agreeing to the ‚capeceo‘, before starting the dance. It starts with breathing.

And because of the new awareness of breathwork I gained a deeper level to tango that raised the quality of the embrace, of each step and also of the space in stillness.

Að læra tangó
Learning tango

Pleas scroll down for English.

Tangóstúdió Bryndis & Hany býður upp á tangókennslu í sérflokki á öllum stigum, hóptíma og einkatíma.
Kennslan fer fram á tveimur stöðum, í Kramhúsinu og í Dans og jóga, Skútuvogi 13a.

Nánari upplýsingar hér:


Tangostudio Bryndis & Hany offers tango lessons at all levels- group lessons and private lessons.
The lessons take place in two places, at Kramhúsið and at Dans og jóga, Skútuvogur 13a.

More information here: